Still on the bandwagon

Jan 13, 2013 09:30

I'm sitting here eating a gluten free English Muffin with Earth Balance buttery spread, goat cheddar cheese and turkey bacon and not feeling a bit deprived. :)

I've now switched from soy milk to rice milk after reading too many things about the negative side of soy. I still have some products made from soy in my diet but not very many at this point. Goat cheese is now the go to for cheese so that takes care of that part of things. Overall, I'm pretty happy with how this whole dietary change is going. I found gluten free bread crumbs that work nicely. I don't really miss anything yet either. To be honest, I'm not being so strict about this that I will refuse to eat any gluten products. If I want pizza from a local place I will still have it.

Still continuing with the DDPYOGA though I do feel I need to step up my game. That's my goal for this week. Still have my aches and pains but I feel more alert as a general thing and my stuffy nose has went away.

None of the food substitutions has been a true disaster. I've been able to make our favorite meals with substitutions and they have all been a success. Last night was a chicken and broccoli casserole and I replaced the cream of mushroom soup with a think white sauce with sauteed mushrooms and it came out very well.

Not much in the way of weight loss this week. I put a tiny bit back on but I know I was stress eating so that explains that. Overall, I feel better and that's what counts the most.

dairy free, ddpyoga, food, fitness and health

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