2012, don't let the door hit you in the ass.

Jan 01, 2013 01:10

2012 was a hard, scary, exhausting year. It was the year Howard and I inherited my 84 year old Uncle Joe, because his blood relatives turned their back on him. It was the year my mother's health took a turn for a worse and it became necessary to get someone to take care of her so we could keep her home. It was the year Brigid spent four very scary days unconscious in the Pediatric ICU. It was the year where my school faced some of it's bleakest days and may not come out the other side. It was the year people I love did terribly stupid things. It was the year I lost my faith.

Happy New Year World. I really hope we all have a good year in 2013. I may not have my faith now but I have hope it will return. I have hope that this year will be better for us all.

happy new year

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