Sep 28, 2012 23:16

I went on an adventure tonight. Back in May I bought a workout package called DDPYOGA. It's creator is none other than Diamond Dallas Page, a former wrestler. He turned to yoga after a very serious injury in the ring but he wasn't getting enough of a workout. His answer was to create his own yoga system. He's right when he says "This ain't your Mama's yoga". Even though I had the dvds I never made the time to use them. Then I found out he was coming to New York to teach his system over three days. I decided to sign up for the basic class. It was a grueling hour and a half but I didn't quit and although I didn't have the flexibility for some of the moves, I worked through the best I could. The whole time he was teaching, Dallas was encouraging all of us, correcting stances as needed and being supportive. He certainly isn't the pompous jerk he portrayed in the ring. At the end of the class, he made a point of shaking everyone's hand. He came over to me, shook my hand, looked in my eyes and told me I did a good job! I have to say I feel pretty good and even my right knee, which usually gives me trouble is not screaming so loudly. I'm pretty proud of myself for taking the leap and impressed by Dallas Page. He really believes in what he created and works hard to pass it along. I'm really glad I went.


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