Garden:0 Fim:1

Jul 01, 2012 10:16

I get to use my Boris icon because I AM INVINCIBLE! All the large weeds have been pulled. I ran out of yard bags before I ran out of yard debris but all the pulled weeds that I couldn't bag are now raked up and piled neatly in a discreet corner. If I have time before garbage pickup Wednesday morning, I will bag them up. Otherwise, no one who comes for the bbq on the fourth will really see any mess. Now all that needs to be done is the back yard needs to be weed whacked to get rid of the crab grass and other smallish stuff. Then that can be raked and we can have our bbq in the back yard where there is some shade cover instead of in the blazing heat in the driveway like last time. All in all the garden looks tidy if not well planted. I have some plants from the garden center that I may try to plant over the next couple of days but not stressing it. The heavy lifting is done and that's what counts. 6 hours of yard work over two days, by myself. I AM INVINCIBLE!

plants, good stuff, gardening

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