Yard work = therapy

May 21, 2012 05:31

I have power garden tools but they are in the trunk of Bluebird who is in the shop....again. So yesterday's work was done primarily with hand tools. There's something to be said for working out anger and frustration with a pair of garden shears. But of course, I over did it so by evening's end I was exhausted and cranky and weepy. Sleep helped a little bit but this morning my right arm is swollen and I seem to have awakened the little bit of carpal tunnel I have. Still, hacking away at the overgrowth helped me excise some feelings too. However, it helped some others come to the surface. That's bad, I guess, especially when I speak them out loud. I never can remember to keep my thoughts to myself. Oh well, the good thing is there is more work to be done in my badly neglected garden. Catharsis, here I come.

noodling, gardening

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