
Sep 29, 2011 18:32

Even though I told the visiting nurse we no longer needed the health aide, one showed up yesterday. She couldn't get the door bell to work so she called my mom and asked her to come down and open the door. Mom told her it would take her a few minutes and headed down. As she was halfway down, the phone rang again. Mom chose to keep going but when she got downstairs, no one was there. When she told her nurse what happened the nurse told her the agency said the woman was standing there an hour. I call bullshit. I think she just got impatient and left. Mom said she went right down and I believe her.

Mom's been sneaking brandy. I discovered a hidden stash while cleaning the house today. There was drama. Oh boy, was there drama. Diabetics should not be drinking brandy. Oy.

Today I gave mom a sponge bath, washed her hair and cleaned and filed her nails. I scrubbed the walls in her kitchen, vacuumed her living room, cleaned the cat pans, washed out and emptied her refrigerator and scrubbed down the stairs, bannister and hallway. Then I went to the store and replaced her commode pail, her pail for mopping and her metal garbage can in the kitchen that stank and couldn't be washed because it was rusting and fall apart anyway. I also bought her baby wipes for when she uses her commode (don't ask) and a fly trap for the flies that have mysteriously appeared in the house.

I can't really say the house is clean, it's just less dirty. I've mopped and scrubbed but there is still a lot more to be done. There's Mom's packrat issue that needs to be dealt with. I can't even get into her bedroom. I don't know how she sleeps in there.

We have an appointment with a social worker next week and I'm hoping we can get mom better help. It turns out the aides weren't doing the duties they were assigned like caring for mom's feet, filing her nails and assisting her with making her meals.

Mom has been less than cooperative since this whole mess started but given the brandy episode, I'm guessing one of the reasons is the contraband I'll find when I start decluttering. She was grateful the last two days and I'm trying to find my own reasons for taking care of her, rather than waiting for her to say thank you, since she often doesn't. She did say the house smells better and looks cleaner. That's good enough for me.

caretaker, mom

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