Unstructured, available time

Sep 17, 2011 13:44

When the Breemonster isn't here, I feel a little adrift. I'm usually helping her get through the day and putting out her emotional fires. When she's not home I forget how to be. This weekend, she's at CZC camp and Harry is out and about so here I am. I get to spend the whole day with my husband and I'm at a loss. I can't remember the last time we had time just for us. No, I don't need recommendations and please don't remind me we own a bedroom. This is not about sex but about quality time together or alone by myself, for that matter. I'm just saying that I spend so much time being the caretaker I'm not sure what to do when I'm not filling that roll. It's weird.

howard, bree, relationships, caretaker, weird shit

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