
Sep 05, 2011 23:28

My itty bitty kitten just weighed in at 90 grams after 4 ml of formula and a pretty healthy poop. It was his second poop of the day. That is progress. He also seems to be latching and is getting nose bubbles a lot less than yesterday. By comparison though, his one sibling weighed in at 184 grams tonight. The biggest one, whom we have dubbed "Bruiser" and is most definitely a boy, is now a whopping 204 grams and after only 4 days in this world has his eyes partially open.But still, I'm hopeful that by tomorrow my teeny tiny may hit 100 grams. That would make me happy.

In other happy kitten news, I start work again tomorrow and was wondering how the hell Howard and I were going to juggle kitten feedings and our jobs. When I mentioned this to a friend of mine today at our cookout she offered to take over daytime feedings. She bottle fed a kitten once before so she has an idea what to do. Plus, she watched me today while I feed him. Yay! One less thing to worry about.

Also, still on the topic of progress but not on the topic of kittens, Bree starts her new school tomorrow. Wish her some luck, please?

hope, friends, kittens, bree, caretaker, good stuff

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