Kitten is still with us

Sep 04, 2011 08:58

Most of last night's feeding and the first one this morning were unsuccessful. But I had this strange dream last night that convinced me I had to try harder. I know it's not conventional but I filled an eye dropper with formula and drop by drop I managed to get the little guy to intake almost 2 ml. He's still not latching properly but then, at this ( Read more... )

st. francis, kittens, caretaker, dreams

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simplykimberly September 4 2011, 20:37:56 UTC
Keep doing the drop by drop thing - even more, if you can, than 2ml. I wish I lived nearby - I'd show you how to do tube feeding. That may be what he needs to get over the hump. *fingers still crossed* for you all!


fimbrethil September 4 2011, 23:05:24 UTC
I've been feeding every two hours or so, 2-3 mls at a time. During the last feeding he actually suckled a bit. I'm definitely doing around the clock for the next few days. I'm angry at myself for not doing a feeding until 6 o'clock this morning instead of every two hours. Anyway, this morning he only weighed 86 grams while his two siblings weighed in at 156 and 164 grams. I'm afraid of over feeding but I will ramp up the amount of mls per feeding if he lets me. He's still aspirating but I'm sucking it out gently as soon as it happens. Not giving up.


simplykimberly September 4 2011, 23:12:25 UTC
I brought Ziggy back from 76g, and dehydrated, at just the same age as your little one. In fact, let me get the data for that, and maybe that'll help give you an idea of what might work.

This will likely format really awfully, but hopefully the info will be clear.
date time mls consumed weight subq
27-Jan 12:00 4.5 76 1
1:15 2.5 82
8:45 4.5 82
10:15 2.5 88 0.5
2:30 5 92
5:15 1.75
9:30 5 96
28-Jan 12:00 1.25 98
8:30 4.25 100
12:15 4.5 102
6:45 3.5 104
10:00 4.25 104
29-Jan 12:45 4.5 106
9:30 6 108
12:30 3.25 110
2:45 1.25 110
5:15 3.25 112 1
9:45 2.5 110
30-Jan 12:45 1 108
7:30 4.75 110 0.5
11:20 0.8 108
1:30 3.3 110
4:30 4.25 112
7:00 4.25 114
9:30 4.5 118
11:45 2.5 120


simplykimberly September 4 2011, 23:13:14 UTC
Going to reformat - that's awful... one moment ;)


simplykimberly September 4 2011, 23:20:23 UTC
ugh - I can't get this to format well - grumble!

The first day he was failing, he started at 76g which is almost unheard of. I fed him every 2 or 3 hours, and he took anything from 1ml to 5ml. The following day he took anything from 1.25 to 4.5. He gained a whopping 20g the first day I got serious about this, and 8 g (which is totally respectable at this size) the next day.

I'm going out, but when I get back, I'm glad to give any more info/help possible. Keep it up - it's doable. It may not work, but it just might! :)



fimbrethil September 4 2011, 23:32:49 UTC
I got the jist of the chart. I'm basically force feeding drop by drop and it seems to be working as long as he doesn't aspirate. I started charting but I see you charted his weight at each feeding when Ziggy was really sick so I'm going to weigh him each time I feed.

And thank you so, so much. I've only done this twice before, once with a strong newborn and once with a two eek old kitten but nver with one this sick. I really appreciate all the advice and encouragement.


simplykimberly September 5 2011, 05:38:28 UTC
I usually only weigh once a day, because the usual ups and downs during the days would make that crazy-making, but I really wanted to have some sort of encouragement if it was working. And as you can (maybe) see, it was.

Keep at it! Hopefully it'll work - and if it doesn't, it won't be from lack of trying, love, or effort! ((many hugs))


simplykimberly September 5 2011, 06:00:57 UTC
And you're VERY welcome for both the advice and the encouragement. Trying to save an ailing kitten is SUCH a lonely task, and when I've met others on the way who have cheered me on, it's made all the difference in the world. I try to pass that one whenever I can! (hugs)


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