Data points

Jan 10, 2011 05:55

If you communicate that you cannot handle what I am telling you, will not give comfort or maybe cannot give comfort, and draw a boundary line in the sand? I will honor that boundary line and keep the distance you ask for. Even though I comforted you for several days while you processed a loss I understand that you may not be able to do the same. Also, if you say you need a couple of weeks of "cooling off" our friendship, I will understand that too.

However, in light of all that, it is completely unacceptable then for you to e-mail me just 2 days later, after hurting me, and say you are coming into town and expect to see me.

If I tell you I won't be able to see you, you should honor my boundary line. You should not:
1) call at 10:00 at night from your sister's house trying to talk to me the next day.
2) show up on my doorstep uninvited.

Yes, we may have grown up together and I have some nostalgic feelings for you as a friend. That doesn't mean you get to act like an ass.

Once in a while, it's good to have a husband with an attitude. Yesterday was one of those days. Thanks for sending him packing, babe.

crazy shit, cranky pants

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