State of the Elle

Nov 22, 2010 07:08

We are going through some really tough stuff here. I'm not going to bore everyone with the details but suffice to say that it has been very hard here lately. I know that frequently people comment and I don't respond and I'm sorry for that. I appreciate each and every one of those comments but sometimes I'm so overwhelmed I don't get back around to answering them. Please know I appreciate your comments though. I'm reading everyone on my lists and I see a lot of stuff is going on but it's hard for me to write something coherent in response. That doesn't mean I'm not paying attention or not reading. I'm also not posting very much because I don't want to be a downer and I often don't have myself together enough to post. I think I'm going to shift this journal a bit and move away from the hard stuff and focus on what good stuff is going on. I may post about the hard stuff occassionally but it just hurts too much so maybe I won't. Anyway, we're doing the best we can hre and if it seems I'm a little distant, dsiconnected and preoccupied it's because I am. Please be patient with me. Thanks.

ptsd, me, telling it like it is, fucked up shit

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