Just a few reminders

Nov 03, 2010 20:13

People with PTSD may...

1) seem like they are doing okay but really aren't underneath.
2) be functional in the sense they can go to work or school but are really failing in a lot of ways in a lot of different areas.
3) have trouble doing routine tasks because they can be triggery.
4) have trouble feeling joy but they can fake it really well.
5) keep busy so they don't think about how bad life is right now.
6) lose it over something you find insignificant. (Don't judge please.)
7) have a hard time trying to fit in with the "normal people".
8) say everything is okay when it's not because once they start explaining how it really is, people don't want to listen.
9) feel that there is no joy left for them in this world but they keep trying to find it anyway.
10) have trouble being in relationships even though they are desperate to have something that works, dammit.

People with PTSD are just people, but we hurt in ways "normal" people don't. Just remember that, okay?


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