This and that

Oct 16, 2010 08:55

Here I am, having my usual quiet moment on a Saturday morning. The house is quiet except for the dogs whining occasionally downstairs because they know I'm up and the occasional "hello?" from Sergio because he saw me get up. I've had my first cup of coffee but probably not my last one of the morning. Now I can hear Lucy the macaw downstairs sounding off quietly and Gandalf, my first African Grey, is starting to go through his morning routine. Gandalf likes to make a whole bunch of sounds to get my attention in the morning. Wait, there goes Sergio again.(Pauses to go get Sergio) It's easier than you think to type with a parrot on your arm. I've been thinking about doing a spotlight post on each of my animals, complete with pictures. I don't have a specific order in mind but I'm thinking Sergio may be first because he's such a character. Of course, life always gets in the way of my grand plans but I think it would be fun.

I have another full weekend planned. Today Bree, Harry and I will hit the bead shows. Then Howard and I are off to celebrate yesterday's anniversary in style by going to see West Side Story on Broadway. Tomorrow is the usual round of chores plus going to service at the UU church, which is slowly becoming one of my small joys. We missed going last week because of the comic con and I miss being there. Conversely, and sadly, I haven't been missing the congregation I grew up in, although it's been weeks since I've been there. I am on the church council, an honor I will be giving up at the end of the year since I will be leaving the church. During a council meeting, I mentioned that the church's internal troubles were so bad that I was looking at other churches. Silly me to think that that information would stay within the church council. This past week at a choir rehearsal, one of the council members, an older gentleman who runs the church from behind the scenes, announced I was leaving. Hmmmm. May have to deal with that but maybe I'll just take the high road instead and not bother. I just don't like the way the information is being spread since it really is my information to tell but if people haven't figured out something is wrong from my frequent absences, then it probably really doesn't matter anyway.

Ah well, this was going to be longer but Howard's up and the day is slowly getting away from me. I have animals to feed, errands to run and appointments to get to before I go to the bead shows.

What are your weekend plans? Whatever they are, enjoy them. Life is short.


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