
Apr 01, 2010 08:44

Okay, it's early and haven't had my breakfast yet but that doesn't stop me from firing up YouTube and dancing to Erasure. Finally, I have an Erasure icon. And if I'm adorable (glances toward MA)when I squee over music, then so be it. :)

Few things make me feel as good as when I am dancing. Give me the right beat, and bad knees and heel spur be damned, I will dance til I drop. Back in the days when Luxe was still open, I would dance and dance and dance, while at least two of the people with me would stand on the side, exhausted, and watch me, smiling. I would always keep ibuprofen in the car for those nights and have ice packs waiting for my knees when I got home but I felt so alive dancing there. Now, I'm hard pressed to find a club that offers the 80's alternative music I love so much so my house usually becomes a dance hall. Bree can be counted on to join me on occasion and Harry will always cut loose with me on the weekends. Sometimes I think if I could just get Howie to dance, he'd be a happier person. But then again, dancing isn't everyone's cup of tea. For me though, it's right up there with gardening and breathing.

dance, joy, luxe, erasure

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