Dec 07, 2009 07:22
yep, im feelin kinda crap this morning.
took one sip of juice and it was like *ack, dont do that again*...
but finally i got down juice and my morning vitamin, a banana, a mandarin orange, and a pear. just now i barely made it thru a whole grain roll with cheese in it. guess it gets worse from here?
my daily vitamin doseage gets me to about 10mg of B6 - which is supposed to help this morning thing, but...yeah, today was the first really *yuck* feeling day. so far its just been a low appetite - only wanting to finish half my usual breakfast, but eating all of it slowly.
i've noticed a lot of times even when im warm enough, my belly feels cool to the touch. so, after school today im going hara-maki shopping. haru-maki means spring rolls, haha, but hara = stomach, so hara-maki = stomach rolls :) sounds like somethin gross they eat over here, but its just a special wrap that fits well so you can wear clothes over it (i guess it goes under ur clothes?) and helps keep your belly warm. yay.
and since i dont have lunch at school today, i'll go to KFC on the way to hara-maki shopping because i never go there anymore and they have a special chicken-pack that comes with a Peter Rabbit plate-and-cup set. i probably cant eat all of the chicken, but i can take whats left off the bones and put it in a salad for tomorrow.
time for a shower and laundry