The worst day ever, pt 1

Jun 29, 2008 05:11

The time: Saturday after payday.

The place: Bishop's Arms South

The Characters: Filthy as the somewhat worn out assisting manager.
Gunwald as the off and on bartender/waiter.
Granen as the former assisting manager, now boss at Bishop's Folkunga.
Nisse as the head honcho aka The Boss.
The weird-ass chef as himself.

One man short on a saturday is never good, even if saturdays has been relatively quiet lately. Especially not when one of the two that's supposed to work has something of a family emergency on his hands, and The Boss can't be reached because he forgot his phone at work the day before. Family emergency or not, the dear dear Gunwald came to work.

Filth had her hands full even before Gunwald's shift was supposed to start. Luckily for her, Gunwald never minds starting early.

They agreed from the get-go to let go of the tables. People could damned well order at the bar, as per custom. Even so, they had a lot to do. Too much to do. They just barely managed to keep their heads above water. Until sometime after nine. That's when the dishwasher broke and chaos errupted.

After an hour, our heroic bartenders realize that unless they wanted to stay and do dishes until the next morning, they needed backup. So Filthy called Granen. Granen, from here on known as The Messiah, agreed to help out.

During all this, Filthy was seething and coming up with very creative curses to put on The Boss for being unreachable.

An hour and a half before closing the pub was stormed by a hundred - yes, a hundred! - people all at once. The dishwasher was still dead and would remain so, and the glasses were quickly running out.

Tune in tomorrow for the climax of this drama. (The typist can't see straight anymore)


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