Good friends, food, drink and cello-rock

Oct 20, 2007 16:09

Lund was effin' great. Perfect time to relax away from work and home, and hang out with those great people I call my friends. So there wasn't as much partying as I had hoped for, but I'm far from complaining.

And Viola? You're so damned cute when you fall asleep on the couch. ;)

Got back to Stockholm around noon yesterday. Hadn't had much sleep, so I was dead tired. Met up with Inger and then it was home to catch up on a few hours of sleep. It was well needed since we had a concert to attend that evening.

We met up with Tobias (I still can't get him out of my head, btw) and headed out to the club what we thought was an hour early. However, there had been some changes. While tickets said 19.30 and that there would be no supportive band, they opened the doors at 18.30 and there was a supportive band. Oh well, we were early enough not to miss anything.

The supportive band was a band from Gothenburg called All Ends. Unfortunately, the sound wasn't all that fantastic and the drums and bass overrode just about everything else, but I still got the impression that All Ends is a fairly decent band that I should look into.

At 20.30 it was time for the headliners to enter the stage. The backdrop was hoisted up and the four large chairs shaped like a mix between skulls and cellos were uncovered.

If I thought that the crowd was lame before, I was now proven wrong. As the five finns of Apocalyptica entered the stage, the roar from the crowd was close to deafening. I know I screamed my throat raw.

Such a great show. Material from the new album was mixed up well with old covers such as Refuse Resists, Seek and Destroy, Nothing Else Matters, Hall of The Mountain King, and some older stuff like Hope and Seemann. Pity that they didn't play Harmageddon, though.

There were two things that wasn't good, though. The sound-problems from All Ends persisted and drowned out some of the more beautiful clean cello-parts. And then there was the mosh-pit. I don't like mosh-pits. Well, I like them if I feel the music is fitting for it. And, sure, Apocalyptica has some really hard, wild songs. I'm not the kind of person who likes to stay still at a gig either. Far from it. But I do like to concentrate more on what I'm hearing and what I'm seeing, than having to concentrate on staying on my feet and not fall down.

But still; fantastic show which left a hunger for more.

music, fun stuff

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