(no subject)

Oct 10, 2007 20:11

I have once again come to realize how much I hate Black Metal. I will admit to not having listened to all that much of it, but save for the odd Cradle of Filth and Dimmu Borgir-song, I've yet to hear anything I can stand for more than a minute. ...okay, I do like Hypocrisy's new stuff, I won't deny that.

But some Black Metal-bands do have one thing going for them: they make me laugh my ass off. Let me give you all one good example: Immortal. Attack of the evil racoons! Because nothing is as evil as posing and running around the fjords of Norway with unplugged guitars.

All in all, I can't help but to feel that most Black Metal-bands try way to fucking hard. The same can be said about a lot of Death Metal bands as well, but that I can stand to listen to and find pretty damned good. I think it has a lot to do with the vocals. In my not so humble opinion, the deep Death Metal growl kicks as, while the typical Black Metal screething crow-song sounds horrid. And it's always nice to get away from the oh-so silly corpse paint that runs rampant in the Black Metal-scene.

And now for some antidotes:

Dark Tranquility - ThereIn

In Flames - Only for the weak

Crematory - For love Now who says metal-bands aren't capable of writing sappy lyrics?

Soil - Halo

Moonspell - Opium

Machine Head - Davidian


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