(no subject)

Sep 01, 2007 07:07

Seven in the morning and I just got home. After getting rid of all the customers, we had inventory to take care off. Then, since it was Linnea's last night at work, we all stayed for food, champagne, rum (fine old rum. Gods, it was fantastic), beer and scotch.

Now I need to catch some six or so hours of sleep before heading back to work at around 2.30 pm. Was supposed to start at six, but we got some reservations early and thus need more people on staff. So if I wanna get something to eat before I start, I need to be there at three. I find myself not minding one bit.

Really really hoping that I'll have a decent amount of cash to spare towards the end of the month. I have a five days off scheduled which would be perfect for heading down to Lund and Helsingborg.
Please please let me have both time and money to spare for once.


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