(no subject)

Jan 03, 2006 22:40

What the..? I have a paid account? How/when did that happen?

Anyway, I just got back from Gävle. I really needed that. Sometimes I almost forget just how much I miss my friends.

New years was a blast. Great food, great wine and drinks. Wonderful company.
Also, the world is very small indeeed. Back when I lived in Stockholm, I got to know this girl named Louise. We had some common friends and were often involved in the movies these friends made as school-projects. Anyway, I hadn't heard from her at all after I moved. As fate should have it, she is a good friends of Jessie, so she showed up at the party. Much fun!

Sunday passed in a haze. That's what you get for partying for ten hours. It wasn't quite the hangover from hell, but I think it was its cousin or something.

Monday was spent shopping (new work-shoes and manga. Kenshin and FMA), watching Anja play Phantom Brave, sleeping and drinking tea when Viola came over. Oh, and oogling a very good looking fellow in the building across the yard when he started cooking dinner without wearing a shirt. Or, well, Voila and I were staring, and Anja was laughing at us.

Saw Narnia with Alex and Anja today. Bloody kids. I didn't pay 90 sek to hear you talk or narrate the movie, I just want to watch it in peace. Stop talking!

EEG schedueled for tomorrow. Finally.
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