(no subject)

Dec 11, 2005 00:56

When I woke up today, I felt like a zombie. As I was getting ready for work, I notices that I was a bit shaky. I didn't really know why, just chalked it up to being a bit worn out since the day before.

So after about half the evening, the answer to that came like a lightningbolt of pain to the head. Luckily, I was in the kitchen at the moment, close to a counter that I could grab a hold of, otherwise I would have crashed to the floor outside among the guests. That would have been good PR, don't you think?

Shaking like a leaf, I somehow managed to stumble out to the dressing-room to sit down for a while. Fifteen minutes later, I was stable enough to stand up again, but I refused to go out to the guests again and decided to take care of the dishes instead, thinking that if I would faint, at least the guests wouldn't see it.

About 12.30, I was finally ordered to go home. Dear, dear Isa. I could see that she was worried, and she tried to get me to go home earlier. But the thing is that even if I rant and bitch and whine, I like to work. Plus that I'm stubborn as hell and really need the money.

These damned headaches are really starting to worry me. They seem to be getting worse and more frequent. At least the EEG is schedueled for january 4th. Perhaps then I can finally know what it is so I can do something about it.

whine, work

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