(no subject)

Jul 12, 2011 13:28

Torsten Persson of the Patriotic Student Alliance in Gothenburg is upset that the pride-flag was raised during the HBTQ-festival.

Article in Swedish: http://www.svd.se/nyheter/inrikes/regnbagsflagga-uppror-patrioter_6312102.svd

I won't translate the whole article, but I will leave you with a couple of quotes from Mr. Persson.

"Earlier this year the Sami people were allowed to raise their flag on Gustav Adolf's Square, and then the gypsies got their flag. What's the next step, that the Disabled Movement raises theirs? They don't have a flag, but maybe they can make one with a wheelchair and two crossed crutches underneath?"

"I have nothing against the homosex-festival, this is about a badly thought out decision about raising flags at communal establishments. It is also a pedagogical failure. How can you as a kindergarten teacher explain to the little children what that flag is and what it symbolizes and what kind of people it's about. The children can get nightmares if the kindergarten teacher explains what homosexuality is about."

I really can't do anything else than laugh at this guy. Is he serious?

wtf, idiocy, news

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