Clay, fire and smoke

May 10, 2010 01:43

The pottery has turned out rather well. Nothing broke, but three of my seven pieces will need to go through the fires again. Well, not really fire as such. The plan is to put them under an old oil drum that's been cut in half, and to have a large fire going on on and around it for a few hours. That should do the trick.

The first four pieces are gorgeous, though.

Since I got a correct guess on the last entry, I might as well reveal what it is that I'm keeping count on. I'm working on kicking my smoking habit. Yeah, I know. Again. But it's going far better now that the last time around. Am much calmer.

And while it might not be particularly interesting for you guys to read about how many cigarettes I smoke daily nowadays, I'm gonna keep track of it here for a little while yet, as a small motivation for myself. Hopefully I'll be down to all zeroes soon enough.

6/5: 1
7/5: 1
8/5: 2
9/5. 0

That last one if hard to get rid off. But today I managed.

crafts, school, addictions

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