(no subject)

Mar 19, 2010 12:43

L was supposed to show up today, but alas, he is too tired to drive all the way up here. Can't say I blame him, but I'm still very disappointed. Had been looking forward to seeing him again.

Still, it looks like it could be an interesting weekend. Tonight we are apparently going to dine on roadkill. Our teacher showed up with a tiny little deer that had apparently been hit. It was still warm when some of my classmates started to skin it. Generally it's not advisable to eat roadkill, but apparently the hind legs were in good condition.

Tomorrow I'm going to be skinning a couple of martens, hopefully with the help of Wolfboy. Iza said she wanted to help as well, and Morpheus has a fox he needs to start working with.

So, yeah. I'm not lacking stuff to amuse myself with.

school, friends, fun stuff

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