Score one for the students!

Mar 01, 2010 22:40

There's been safety inspections going on around school lately. I'm all for this. However, on Friday night, after a bunch of beers, I found out from a fellow student that they were going to do safety inspections at the dorms as well. At first I figured that they were just going to inspect the common areas, like the bathrooms and such. But then I found out that they were actually going to come into our rooms as well.

Que unhappy Filth.

Actually, I wasn't the only one who got ticked off by this. Far from it. Everyone was more or less seething over it. That is, the ones who actually knew about it. Apparently the student council had been informed in the middle of last week, and told to spread the word. It's safe to say that not everyone had been informed. But no real official information had been given about this. Hell, a simple notice on the white board in the main building would have been enough. Every student here, including us who works in another building, will go there at least once a day for lunch. We would have seen it. But no. Nothing.

Until today. We have a school meeting the first Monday of every month. Today it went something like this:

Teacher: On Wednesday morning we are going to have safety inspections at the dorms. So if anyone feels that they should clean their rooms before that, you have two days.
Ronnie: If I don't want to let anyone into my room, am I allowed to refuse?
Teacher: Well, you see...
Filth: Why haven't we been informed earlier about this? The first I heard about it was Friday night.
Ronnie: And I didn't hear about it until today!
Teacher: It is a bit sudden, yes, but...
Maria: We in the student council feels that this is not right, we were only informed but not given the opportunity to express our opinions, two days notice is far too little, etc etc etc...
Teacher: But...
Morpheus: *draws parallels about his childhood in Poland, where people would come search his family's house without warning, and goes on about the right to privacy and the right to a private sphere*
Teacher: *turns his back and starts writing on the black board* But we weren't going to go into your rooms.
Morpheus: You just said that we have two days to clean our rooms. You said that. Now you're saying something else.
Teacher: Okay, okay. We'll back off. We won't go into your rooms. But we are still going to inspect the common areas.
Students: We don't mind that! Feel free to!

Bäckedal students - 1
Bäckedal teachers - 0


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