(no subject)

Sep 29, 2009 21:59

Okay then. Lillhärjåbygget. That's the name for the place where the class spent a week. It's basically a tiny farm out in the middle of the woods. The closest road is 7 kilometers away. ...okay, 6.8 if you want to be exact.

It was a very nice week, helping out around the place. Milked cows, took in hay for the winter, dug potatoes, cooked a lot of food, went riding with Izabell one day... Good times.

On Friday morning we got the job to take down three calves from the farm to the road, where some buyers were going to pick them up. So we did that. And on Friday evening Jocke, Joel and me were sitting on Bishop's Arms in Stockholm. Talk about contrasts.

Medieval/viking market on Saturday, followed by a big party with tons of food in teh evening.

Jocke and I went back to Sveg in Sunday. Short visit in Stockholm in other words, but at least I got the time to cuddle up with Rikard.

...and now I have a cold. Which sucks because next week we're going to Hammarede to make iron, coal and tar. It's gonna be hard work and if I'm not well by then it'll be hell.

school, fun stuff

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