Mar 04, 2006 19:49
OK SO........after months of doing NOTHING.....except drinking and sleeping, tranny got a new job! alright so i didn't really get it for myself, allie did, but either way the money is rolling in every week AND I CAN AFFORD TO LIVE again. SO AMAZINGLY GREAT. It couldn't even be called work, really. The hardest part about it is getting to Kew in the morning. I get to look after four fabulous kids all day 2-3 days a week and they're the CUTEST EVER. Mostly I only have two or three of them and just. AW.
happy tranny.
Also, i got me one of those things, i think they call them boys. And all thanks to alcohol and limp bizkit.....AHAHAHAHAHA and on top of that i've actually spent time with this one WHILST SOBER. Something that didn't happen with young thomas. AND, brace yourselves, the age difference is less than two months and whilst i'm still older....IT'S STILL LEGAL. woah.....although he looks much younger so hey...still sort of staying true to my paedophilic ways (:
AND ON TOP of all of this, uni started and I have my darling vagy AND rachel in my classes so YAY to that. Although i guess it won't be much good unless i actually GET to uni.... :S
I also have to buy a car because this one is a piece of CRAP. If i do...i'll be one broke tranny and it will be merdehouse.
i also missed out on seeing my leesha last night, because my dad is a loser. not happy about that. blah. but next saturday....ohhhhh yeah :D
oh AND i got some shoes on ebay. SO CHEAP. yay for not having to wear boots allllllll summer, even though summer is just about over. oh well. still.
ummmmm what else. i'm seeing my LONG LOST WIFE tonight!!!!! can't waaaaaaait YAY :D
AND I'm seeing my SPAZTASTIC LOVE next sunday! je t'aime B C P <3 MORE THAN YOU THINK i promise :(
SIGUR ROS is next month! ohhhhhhhhhhh and i got the cocorosie album, now i just have to get the first one and my life will be complete.
I HAVE TO GO and drive my brother to PORT MELBOURNE sigh. he'd better get laid or something and stay out all night. so i don't have to go scoop him out of a gutter.
longest update ever.