Catch me - as I fall... Say your here and its all over now.

Mar 21, 2004 22:26

^stole it from Michelle... some talent ay? psh.

so yeah, I've hung out with Michelle past two days, shes great. Paul's pretty cool, I realized I miss him too... I consider him one of my friends all the same as Michelle... I listened to him music today, like REALLY listened to it. Theirs a lot of sorrow in his lyrics its obvious, he has an outstanding talent for singing though. In a way Im really proud of him. Although he didnt finish high school, I know that'll be a drawback in his life but his singing is so unbelievably good I really feel if he puts himself to it he will go far. I cant seem to stop listening to his music... good job paul ! :)

Dave M sheila and Davis came over today. Dave left me as usual, I understand Im not 'entertaining' enough.
we ended up going and getting sundaes , Davis got quasidillas of something though... damn that kid has a big mouth. I like Davis, I like our friendship we have , hes so silly and stupid. He makes me laugh.

for once in my life I notice a mistake I would be maken before it happened ( maybe not a mistake? ) I decided not to take the chance of fucking good stuff up for me. I always seem to fuck the best shit I have going for me up, and I just cant do it anymore... I need to realize how lucky I am with some things and be sure not to ruin them... I dont have the strength to have something so great and then just ruin it all because im stupid... I just dont have the strength to deal with another one of those situations... Either way I will hurt. I dont want to hurt anymore.. I dont want to hurt anyone. so wait things out... if it happens then it happens... but the question of wether this paranoia will go away lingers in the back of my mind. Im so stupid... Er, why do I bother speaking? every word I say is blank , it means nothing.. no one understands me anymore, I cant even... I wish I could just dissapear

Why am I so emo lately? the music I listen to is changing as well... I suppose that would make sense.

I been thinking about cutting my hair short again lately... any opinions? prolly not...I already got a lot.

Alright, do you think I change from one topic to another really quick? yeah... I just realized that.

I dont wanna go to school tomorrow.. I hate my shop >.<

Its so cold in my me.

I hate being alone :( I wish we all lived on the same floor...its so lonely...

enough for now, I am a blabber mouth and keep talking and talking of sweet nothings yet seem to complain about it... RAR! SHUT UP ALLY! OKAY!
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