Happy civil union day to all the gay couples getting hitched today :) I know one couple who are tying the knot and I can't wait to see the pictures and hear the tale tomorrow morning.
Christmas is coming too quickly. I still have so much to do! I havent wrapped a single present yet and i have about a gajillion to do. I feel full of mucous from my lungs to the top of my skull. I blame the damp and mould in my bedroom. We really need to move. Im hoping desperately this mucous and chesty-feels-like-fire cough dont turn into something debilatating by the weekend. Ive spent a gross amount of money on food for Christmas Eve and Christmas day.
Happy 18 month wedding anniversary to
agentj. Hehe, next wednesday marks our 2 year anniversary of meeting. I wish so much we could live that first week over and over again. Twas truely magical.
Ive been on time for work 2 days in a row this week. GET ME!
Ive made it to the shortest day of the year without being depressed. Its strange. I cant remember the last time I witnessed the dark half of the year through non depressed eyes. Its like ive been given a whole other life to live.