Mar 31, 2008 22:25
Aaah twas bonus week last week for me, treated myself to the Evenstar necklace that Arwen wears in LOTR, been a while since I indulged in a bit of LOTR geekery!
That aside I had a good weekend, went over to Scott's and got there to find Gaz visiting. Had a few drinks and listened to Metal before going to Fubar, met Kat there and her bottle of Gin (cheers for that), had an ace chat with Kat about Egypt and body image!! No idea which band played first but they were shocking, next up were Machiavellian who I could actually hear this time! Bugged a girl about her amazing corset which she actually got in Southport!!!
Got up to a few things I wouldn't usually bother with, as seems to be the case in there due to the lack of cider and me falling back on the vodka! Some really odd fella who was in Scott's primary school kept bugging us with his mental (seriously it was insane) dancing! Scott managed to do something to his thumb and we wandered home via the kebab place where there was blood on the floor! Got in very late and carried on drinking for a while before heading to bed.
Saturday was a very lazy day, sat around watching telly before getting some supplies, thought about going to Leeds to see Dismember but felt a bit tired really, lame excuse but I only saw them recently. Scott, Andy and I just flicked around the channels for most of the night as we couldn't decided what to watch between us!
Sunday was relatively lazy as well except for going to the Fox to watch the derby (hurumph). Back home for lasagne and garlic bread followed by Life on Mars and Red Dwarf (you do realise that means changing the lightbulb!). I drove home and snuck in a bit of Lexx series 2 courtesy of Gaz, read a bit more H.G Wells and then fell asleep only top wake at 4am, oh joy, was a strange dream that was just getting very odd so my brain woke me up lest I have another dream like the uber disturbing one a few weeks back.
Not much planned for this week, got a few films to watch including the Elephant Man, Life is Beautiful and Time Bandits :) Then Marf's going back to Nottingham outing on Friday which I am looking forward to!