This is too much. I mean, yesterday my life's like, "Uh oh, pop quiz." Today it's "rain of toads".

Oct 23, 2003 13:01

It's raining like a bitch outside and I'm soaking wet. Now there's an image for all of you out there. Anyhoo, found safe haven in the engineering rooms, where I'm gonna wait for the rain to stop, then decide on my next course of action. Adam's, or Rob'?

Hehe.. Anyhoo, bit of a panic this morning..

This morning, I rock up to class, asking a friend if they've done the assignment due tomorrow. She tells me it was due two weeks ago.

*wooop wooooooop woooooop RED ALERT! ALL HANDS BRACE FOR IMPACT!*

So i'm running (shut up, Frank)to my tutor's office, he's not there. I check with the Faculty Office, and they say he hasn't come in yet..

So I go to class, sit there with alarm bells ringing, and my tutor strolls casually into the room and says

"I'm not sure if everyone got the e-mail I posted. But there's an error on the course guide. The essay is due on Monday the 27th."

Moral of the story? Never trust a friend with assignment details. Or get friends who won't joke around with you.

Anyway... the best recording session ever with Rob last night. As soon as I have the time, I'm going to upload the finished copy of Rise and Fall, with music and vocals. For now, here's a scratchy demo version...

Just click on 'Hi-Fi' for cable.. or 'lo-fi' for dial-up.

As for the Matrix Retarded, I'm halfway through the second cartoon, just need to find a funny punchline, and fix up a few spelling errors. (Surprise, I'm not perfect.)
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