I have totally fallen off the lj horse. Partly it's that I've been in the throes (though I do like the increasingly common use of "throws" in this figure of speech) of completing a long-overdue academic article that proved (don't they always) harder than I expected. Article is on its way to editor! May it help me land a decent job back in the ol' USA.
Fiction? Ha! Thrown off that horse, too. I have been fiddling with a couple of hopefully commercial if very small-scale non-fiction projects.
We have had rain here off and on for the last few days and more forecast later in the week. It's a bit comical, sort of like Philadelphians and snow, police issuing public safety warnings and so on. Since most roads and parking lots are built without storm drains, it's also a problem.
Randomly, a Friday night at the old souq: