This is why I love the internet...

Mar 21, 2008 18:00

Here's an audio recording from the Paley Buffy reunion last night. I'll post some thoughts after I finish listening to it.


Thank you, Josster!

Update (contains spoilers for S8)

So I deciphered listened to the audio recording. It was obviously recorded with a digital recorder by someone in the audience. Fortunately, they were pretty close to the stage, so you cna hear the panel pretty well (when the audience isn't laughing). So my thoughts...

First, Aly and Eliza were MIA, and as far as I know there hasn't been an "official" explanation for this. I know a lot of spec have been posted about them working on their respective series, so if that's true then I guess I can understand. But not having Aly there was a big disappointment for a lot of people. I don't think anyone expected ASH to show because he's half a world away. But, Aly's in L.A. And, dude, couldn't Joss have given Eliza the night off to attend? Seriously. I know if I had spent the money to travel to L.A. to see the reunion, I would have been disappointed that they weren't there. But there was a lot of Buffy goodness despite the absences. Such as...

They asked my question!!! Okay, mine and probably a hundred other people's, but still... pretty cool. I would love for Joss to do a Buffy musical for Broadway, even if it isn't OMWF and doesn't star SMG - or any of the tv cast for that matter (except maybe ASH).

Also... (S8 Spoiler)  Oz will be in the S8 comic book!!!! Yay!!!

Everyone seemed to be having a good time. I loved how much SMG gushed about the character of Buffy and talked about her feeling about the character. I can't believe that she didn't know about (another S8 spoiler) Buffy sleeping with Satsu. Oh, and SMG's favorite movie is SOUTH PARK - LONGER AND UNCUT - just like anther tiny blonde one I know. Hee.


Seriously, how much would that rock? I know it would be weird, with Oz being Willow's ex and all. But still... they're so cuuuuuute together! Just look at them. And Willow is "gay now," so why not? I mean, how ironic would it be? (more spoilage) Willow rejected Oz for a woman. Buffy could reject a woman for Oz..I I know that would not sit well with the diehard Willow/Oz shippers, but I think it would be really cool.

The funniest moments of the evening were when Michelle said Nick was jealous of her because she was taller than him now, and he replied, "Yeah, but I've got bigger boobs." LOL!!! And when Amber said, "Joss really wants to touch you. Not in that way." Amber was making all kinds of Freudian comments throughout the night. Must be all that naughty Giles/Willow/Tara fanfic she reads. (just kidding). Seth Green made me laugh everytime he opened his mouth. I wish Charisma had said more. I loved the story that Emma told about what she was thinking during her famous monologue in "The Body." Kind of reminded me of the story Aly told about what she was going through her head in Tara's death scene in "Seeing Red." Joss was his usual witty self.  So all in all, a fun panel.

Bring on the Buffy Musical!!!
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