Dec 08, 2003 09:58
It took me an hour and a half on the red line today to get to work. And I'm still the first one here. And I'll probably be the only one here with the dean, because honestly, I doubt Maria or Celia will show up. I'll be very surprised. And yet I live the farthest away, and I am still the only one to get here. I don't want anyone bitching about me ever again. I dug my car out yesterday so I wouldn't have to deal with it this morning. I ended up taking my car to the T this morning because I have a chiropractor appointement after work. Otherwise I would have taken the bus. Plus my mom said she'd leave her spot open for me so I can park there.
The Wizard Of Oz was on last night, which makes me happy. I love that movie so much. I always felt like Dorothy, trying to find my way down the yellow brick road. I still haven't reached the Emerald City, but I'm getting close. I think I just woke up from the poppy field.
*update* Maria is actually coming in. The dean just had me call her to find out and she said she was. What a surprise! A pleasant surprise I must say. I figured since her kids don't have school today she would be staying home, but I guess not. Yay.