There would be many more pictures....if we actually had a way to charge our phones...
Our first day on the beach soon after getting there
After the beach, we head to mainland for dinner, where we change in the parking lot of the restaurant we're eating at and head into dinner.
After getting thoroughly cocktailed we head to the bar.
The lovely little bar we turned out....Aaron and I took this piece by storm....
The fiercest baretender that ever lived, a lovely woman by the name of Ms Hines
Truly Fierce
Now here comes a large blank space of time, because well, Miss Aaron and I got abandoned on the beach by someone not so fierce like us... but we wake up the next day inside of a car....and proceed to have more fun
Buried in the sand making a huge hog
Miss thing finally showed up and we went back to miss bar piece.
We all "made-up" for about an hour.
Miss Brian with an I because it's all about I, I, I. Probably one of the fiercest trannies we met in Miss Pcola. "No Girl, I don't do miss tina, i'm all about the ECSTACY" "I was staring at my fan for 3 hours just saying stop it"
Ms Hines up out of drag
The only cunt who wouldn't give us his phone number in the bar
Teyson the fiercest lil cocktail waiter who ever lived.... definately got that number for the next time I go to Pcola
And the rest of the weekend is all a blur of drunkenness, got drunk on Monday morning at 10am, with free shots from our bar, then punched it back to Tallahassee, passed out the entire way.