Fandom Is Awesome

Sep 04, 2015 12:13

I was responding to pir8fancier in my last post and thought 'hey, that'd make a good entry.' So in case you didn't already think fandom was awesome here are a few more reasons.

Fandom has taught me that 1) it's okay not to be okay, 2) it's okay to admit that you're not okay, and 3) it's okay to ask for help. Ten years ago I'd have bottled up this whole PTSD thing and just tried to 'live with it'. But they've helped me see that it's okay to admit you need help and to seek out that help. So I have reached out, and I will be okay in time. I have fandom to thank for that.

Fandom has also shown how endlessly supportive it can be in many ways. Not only has everyone been supportive of my being trans, fandom has funded $1500 out of the $2000 I need for my surgery. Do you realize how insane that is? I'm ONE person. And fandom did that for me.

I honestly feel blessed to have had the opportunity to be a part of the fandom family. I don't even want to think about where I'd be without you all.

<3 .xx
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