AKA my 1D friends are a bunch of evil enablers who want a kiss meme and I can't say no to kisses.
As in the past, don't care who they are or how they hook up - M/M, F/F, M/F, ?/?/? etc... Also don't care where they come from - any film, book, comic, telly series, original fic, RPF, crossing fandoms, it doesn't matter... Anyone, anywhere so long as there's kissing!
The list of things:
- Kiss memes never end. Ever.
- All kisses accepted (fic/art/icons/vids/etc...).
- No min/max length, but kissing of some/any kind is a must.
- Please stack your fic if it takes up more than one comment box. THANK YOU.
- PLEASE use your subject to specify which fandom you're writing in! THANK YOU.
- If your fic/art contains warnings or spoilers for the most recent episode of a telly series, please put them in the subject or at the top of the comment/story. Same with 'future' spoilers. This is simply common courtesy. THANK YOU.
Please leave feedback for the writers/artists!!! They worked hard to give us kisses so give them some loving back please. =)
As always, pimp if you want: If you mod a comm/want to post it in a comm, go for it - pls get mod approval first so I don't get yelled at, ta. =)
~ http://cinnatart.livejournal.com/476737.html">OPEN FANDOM/PAIRING KISS MEME ~ This year's masterlist can be found
Kiss Meme 1.0 masterlist. Kiss Meme 2.0 masterlist. Kiss Meme 3.0 masterlist. Kiss Meme 4.0 masterlist. DISCLAIMER: NONE OF THIS IS REAL WE'RE ALL JUST WRITING FOR FUN SO PLEASE TO BE NOT SUING US AS MOST OF US ARE BROKE KKTHNXBYE.