Dec 11, 2005 09:14

Dear friends,

I have been noticing something lately, and I feel like I need to make an annoucement. In text, yes. I would hope that by joining this community and simply reading the simple goals outlined in the userinfo, one would understand that the mission here is not to screen cap movies as to tell the story of the entire movie from beginning to end. As stated in the userinfo, we here at film_stills are about special movie moments. Any jerk can cap the screen every 30 seconds or so whilst watching a movie. And sometimes, yes, it is hard to choose because a movie can be so rich with color and/or emotion. But it is about selectivity. I hope everyone will take that into consideration the next time they go to cap a movie.

Also, despite the clear guidelines stated, MANY posts are not meeting size requirements. I have been very leniant and have not deleted posts with too-small caps because in many cases they included so many caps that I felt bad just deleting the work that went into them. However, let me state again, as in the guidelines, caps must be of a certain size. Sooner or later I'll just delete posts that do not meet requirements no matter what. I hate to do it, but I honestly feel it's for the pure good (aesthetically and for the viewers) of the community.

Take this time to review the userinfo and guidelines unless you feel that your posts are for sure up
to par. Also, I really am sorry to make a text post. And, as always, please stay friendly. I'm getting a little weary from people giving major attitude. I think I've been pretty fair and I rarely make a peep. Keep it clean kids, and stay true to the intentions of this place. Please and thank you.
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