I drink Mahalo’s Milkshake

Apr 05, 2008 17:35

So, upon hearing the news that the truly kickass Veronica is leaving Mahalo Daily,Grant and I jokingly started plotting.

The net result? Jasonstealmycohost.com OK, I'll admit it's pretty badass (I was asleep with a migraine when all the actual creation and tweeting about the scheme took place). It was all in good fun, and a total joke -- until Calacanis pulled his whole, Mahalo Daily Idol thing. And you KNOW how much I love American Idol.

So, we've decided to go one step further (I might not be a New Media Douchebag, but I'm a New Media Diva, to be sure) and this afternoon, we made this:

image Click to view

Yeah. I'm officially here to play. Bring it bitches!

And go to Jasonstealmycohost.com and leave a comment there (or here) if you want to join Team Christina (or really, Team film_girl!

Originally published at www.ChristinaWarren.com. You can comment here or there.

blogging, milkshake, videos, squadcast, web fun, about me, mahalo daily, video, fun, jokes

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