OK - the Yahoo! plugin sucked hardcore (you can see my general panning
here) - but the overall WordPress test continues. I have basically 5 days to get a working version of Christina-Warren.com up and running - at least a basic working version.
For the record, I have blogged before and hardcoded HTML and CSS (and PHP) before -- but I've never used WordPress and at the present time, my feelings are mixed. On the one hand, I like the flexibility and the potential the system offers. On the other hand, I hate how half-assed certain features are at present-time and the design aspect - while infinitely easier using someone else's brilliant theme (seriously, this theme is gorgeous), is still kind of a bear due to the kind of haphazzard nature of pulling it all together. Really, what it is, I like WordPress - I HATE the WordPress dashboard. It's messy and overly complicated and while I would do everything from FTP, there are some settings that have to be managed via the web interface and that's just annoying.
Also annoying? Using the online blog editor. For all the years I used LiveJournal, I almost never used the web-side editor to post -- I always used a client. I like MarsEdit - I mean, I bought the damn thing -- but it weirdly isn't as great as Semagic was for LJ in Windows - but it's the best option out there for Mac. I'm using the web interface now though, and I want to die. I hate having to code my HTML links by hand in stead of being able to paste them WYSIWYG style. Whatever.
Originally published at
www.ChristinaWarren.com. You can comment here or