x-posted to my own journal

Jun 12, 2009 21:43

In bumming around the internet, I came across this article dealing with feminist issues in popular film. It quoted The Bedchel Rule, which I had never heard of, but in which now, I'm very much interested.

The original comic strip with the Bedchel rule has a woman saying she won't see a film unless it meets three criteria.
1. Two of the characters have to be women -
2. Who talk with each other -
3. About something other than a man.

It's astounding how many "chick flicks" fail to meet these criteria. Which movies can you think of that actually fit these criteria?

One of the movies the original article I read mentioned was Cold Comfort Farm, a darling little movie that I haven't seen in far too long. It's good stuff, to be sure. Kill Bill was also mentioned.
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