Mar 20, 2006 12:23

28 Days Later

Rated: R
Director: Danny Boyle
Starring: Cillian Murphy, Naomie Harris, Brendan Gleeson, Megan Burns

Yes, I know, 28 Days Later is now four-years-old. But I finally saw it for the first time yesterday, and can I just say that it floored me? Completely and utterly. I'd heard good things in the press (Stephen King loved it, which should have been a tip-off for me) but I'd never really had much of an urge to see it, creepy-flick-afficionado that I am. But I've seen it now, and wish to add my praises to the list.

I've seen a lot of zombie flicks; from the cheesy to the creepy, from the deftly satirical to the downright lacking. And 28 Days Later certainly finds much of its inspiration from the likes of Romero's Dead trilogy, and from The Omega Man. Perhaps even something from Stephen King's The Stand, with its central theme of a devestating disease. And yes, 28's plot is set up in much of the old tried 'n' true way: a small but hardy bunch of survivors brave their way through a landscape teeming with undead-like killers in an effort to reunite with society. Military intervention and brain-bashing ensues.

But there is something almost undefinably alluring about this movie, in a way the Romero flicks aren't. It may have something to do with the fact that 28 is filmed entirely on hand-held digital cameras, or in the simple fact that Cillian Murphy as Jim is downright mesmerizing (Those eyes! that voice!). I was not a Cillian fan before seeing this, and now I am praying to the Cinema Gods that he has many many MANY new movies on the horizon.

This movie, quite simply, grabbed hold of my imagination and throttled it ruthlessly. All in a very stimulating, loving way, of course. I haven't been able to get its images out of my mind; especially of the shirtless, bloodied Jim braving infected killers and ruthless soldiers to save his new family. Or the piles of bodies that immediately conjoured images of The Stand, and those hateful red eyes of the infected.

The supporting cast is fantastic; I especially liked Naomie Harris' tough-as-nails character Selena, and Brendan Gleeson's Frank was superb. But then again, it's Brendan Gleeson, one of THE best character actors of today's cinema, and he'd shine in even a five-minute role.

I also loved the more cheerful ending, and refuse to consider the alternative 2 as even possibilities. Such a stark, unrelenting movie should have a hopeful future.

Anyone who has yet to see this MUST IMMEDIATELY. There is no question, no brooking of arguments. YOU MUST. And while it will be a hard battle to keep your eyes on the screen through all of the devestation and death, persevere! For the original ending is well-worth the fight.

Memorable quote: "The end is extremely fucking nigh." -- Writing on a wall.

Angie's Rating: 5/5.

movies 2002, 2, 28 days later, reviews

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