Round 9 Information

Jul 02, 2011 17:21

You still have until midnight eastern time today (the 2nd) to sign up, but I'm going ahead and posting the info now.

Round Nine Information

» Please give feedback to other participants; it really is appreciated.
» All icons must be newly created for this round, and they must be your own work.
» All icons must fit LJ standards (100x100, 40kb or under, .jpg, .gif, or .png). Animation is not allowed. Any brushes, textures, etc., are.
» Try to keep your icons to a PG-13 level. No nudity. If necessary, please include a warning if any icons have excessive blood/gore, language, etc.
» Posts should remain public until voting has concluded and the round is over.
» When posting, you may include up to three icons as teasers. The rest should be beneath a cut. You may also post to your own journal and post teasers and a link here, though the post you link to must be unlocked

***I didn't realize until recently that this needed to be addressed, but... All icons should come from the film you claimed. Red carpet photos of the actors/actresses from the movie's premiere, etc., do not count, not even for artist's choice.***

I will add tags for you.

In the Subject area please put: Round 9: Claim

Participants list - you may only participate if your name is on this list. (I haven't actually updated the list yet, technically, but if you go through the comments, you can find the participants and their movies.)

I will be giving everyone on the participant list posting access. Posts will be moderated, but I will try to approve them as quickly as I can.

Themes: 4 squares, white, rotate, object, sky, enemy, beautiful, weird, afraid, amused

4 squares - the icon should be divided into 4 squares; something like this:

Rotate: the image should be rotated in some way. It doesn't have to be upside down or anything, but it should be obviously rotated.

Object - the main focus of your icon should be an object rather than a character. (this doesn't mean that a character cannot appear; but the main focus should be on the object.)

Category: tag, you're it! Each icon in your set should have two characters in it. The first icon can have any two characters you want, but the other icons should have one character from the preceding icon and one new character in it. Here's an example set, using Twilight characters. (I know they didn't all come from the same movie, but I just grabbed icons I already had made as examples.)

As you can see, the set goes like this:
Icon 1 - Rosalie and Emmett; Icon 2 - Emmett and Bella; Icon 3 - Bella and Jacob; Icon 4 - Jacob and Alice; Icon 5 - Alice and Jasper.

Artist's Choice: self-explanatory

You are free to change the colors of the table, but please keep everything else as it is.


4 squares

5 CATEGORY; Tag, you're it!

category #1
category #2
category #3
category #4
category #5


artist's choice #1
artist's choice #2
artist's choice #3
artist's choice #4
artist's choice #5

If you have any questions, just ask.

information, round 9, mod post

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