Very informational tele thing about how to stop beating yourself up. They said that women all over the world do it to themselves and we are not alone. Very interesting. Too bad it costs 400 dollars to take the ten week course. I have dental stuff coming up soon and won't have the money until after that is paid for if it is. I know there is one more spot after the crown.
Visited with a friend Sunday. Inspiring visit. Love her colors, her creativity and the recommends she gave me about Take Ten magazine. It's founded on the idea that if I take ten minutes, I can make these simple cards. Great stuff. Ordered the mags.
Wrote and sent a first draft memoir to a friend. His reaction to it was also inspirational, surprising, and helpful. He also sent me the website of a place that sells an under the desk pedal machine for 28 dollars. I can pedal and get blood flowing in my knees and work on the computer at the same time. Checked it out and will order one next month.
I'm putting together a DVD for a friend with my favorite Eric Clapton, Adam Lambert, and Lionel Richie songs and videos. I have no idea how to make a collection like this so am just putting it together and hope he enjoys one of the songs. It will have been worth it because I like the person and the writing it generated as a result and many minutes and hours of listening til I get the right songs together.
Jeez, I love Trespassing. What a great album. I have one criticism; there's too much background music that becomes noise, for me. I love and adore Underneath. If it had been done like the intro and the ending all the way through, it would have made it so much more enjoyable. I don't like listening to Adam when he sounds as if he is screaming. It's odd the effect different sound systems have on different songs and whether I have my hearing aids in or not. Or have it switched to music.
Writing an hour or more has been so much easier since the discussion we had at Lighthouse Writers Friday 500 last Friday. I hope there are more of them. The goal is to write 500 words in two hours or by the time it closes at 6:30 pm. What I've written is way to personal to post here and am happy to be writing again.
Watched Open Range, one of my favorite films.This one is a 2 Disc Collector's Edition. I love this film. Annette Benning is fabulous as the female lead and Robert Duvall is Robert Duvall. Glorious. The special features are great and tell so much about how the film was made, why scenes were cut, actors were chosen, where it was filmed and why etc., etc.
Costner has executive producer and final cut of all his films since Waterworld and this film about a time in the settling of the West in American that ended and gives the viewer a glimpse is excellent. How they wrote it and where they wrote it is included also. Costner included a great documentary piece on the Open Range era from beginning to end. He loves this country. He loves filmmaking. He almost killed himself getting Open Range done, literally. Robert Duvall broke his shoulder early enough to mean he could still make the filming. Costner's appendix ruptured before the film wrapped and two weeks into post production was in surgery. I would guess he almost died.
He said, "I will always be glad that God allowed me to finish this film. Since he was producer, actor, and director, the film would have stopped had he stopped because of his body.
Check this one out for sure. ***** out of *****
Temperatures are 101-105 here for the last half week and don't look to be getting much lower for a while. It's just deadly.Red , white and blue petunias are in my garden, two sets of all three colors and are so pretty. I bought a really large umbrella for my table and have opened it to shade the plants and give them a chance to take hold without dying. They are gorgeous.