woo hoo! i got a caaar! and it's bee-yootiful!
i thought when i got a car, tho, that everything else would all fall into place. no, i take that back, i was *pretending* i thought everything would fall into place. just that now i have to live up to all that. i still haven't gone down to the beach with the top down to read a book or fish or anything. still haven't gone to SPC to look at enrolling. but i have been able to hang out with my friends finally. i know it sounds weird, what else do you do with friends? but until lately, they'd just been friends at work, or we'd meet up at the bar, and now i can actually just go over for a couple hours and chill!
such are the wonders of modern transportation.
speaking of which, i have to *drive* to the bank. that's right, DRIVE