Aug 18, 2030 13:06
Leave me concrit, I love it. I enjoy reading on ways that I could possibly improve on my characterization. I don't expect you to hold my hand, but I do expect some sort of politeness.
Be a tool. While I appreciate people taking the time to help me out, I really won't pay attention to "there is no repairing it, drop." or "you just suck" without giving me reasons why.
Comments are screened, ANON is on, IP is off. When leaving me concrit, just put [ HOMETRAIL ] or [ DRAMADRAMADUCK ] in the subject line so I know what RP it's for 8)
If you need to contact me, you can use this post as well or you can just go ahead and send me a private message via LJ or contact the shinra co on AIM or setinechan on GTALK