Hello, this is your credit card company. Unfortunately we've received word of some very unusual purchases you've made recently and would like to clarify with you these were, in fact, purchased by you. Please respond within the next twenty-four hours or we will declare your card null and void for purposes of your personal security. Thank you!
Ma'am, we need to be sure you did buy all this. If you could list the credit card purchases made in the last month to compare to what we have on file, we won't have to cancel your credit card.
Ma'am, if we can't confirm these purchases we'll have to cancel the card. Could you get someone who has used it on the line so we can do this as quickly and painlessly as possible?
Hello, this is your credit card company. Unfortunately we've received word of some very unusual purchases you've made recently and would like to clarify with you these were, in fact, purchased by you. Please respond within the next twenty-four hours or we will declare your card null and void for purposes of your personal security. Thank you!
Are you sure? These are some very unusual purchases we have on here.
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