Wanna know something great?
Caution: more
It takes about 15 secs for my computer's battery to charge. It also takes about 15 secs for the battery to run out. And my adapter connection is finicky(?).
Alright, we're gonna go on a bitchfest here, so brace yourselves or walk away now. You have been warned.
So, first on the list. I need a new/another job 'cause yeah I'm just keeping afloat. Honestly, I have been looking, but I could be trying harder. Not that having one job and school doesn't interfere with finding another job.
Now my comp is also having mental issues. The friggin thing froze up on me the other day cause it thought I only had one firefox browser open, and there were actually two runny. Not intentionally mind it just happens sometimes.
I've got holes like you wouldn't believe in my workboots. I'm actually kinda surprised my bosses haven't said anything about them yet. And I'm starting to get holes in some of my pants....and shirts. Nothing too embarrassing, yet.
My car is starting to have some issues. Again. She's up over 200,000 miles as of this afternoon! Whoohoo! Perhaps I shouldn't be so excited over that, but I am. I also have a whole in my muffler the size of an apple...medium sized apple. I think I need a new EGR valve to boot.
Both my wrist and my knee are acting up. And my damned ex-roomate won't call me back. I think she just made off with over 300 bucks from my parents. It's there own damn fault, and they aren't short on money so I dont feel sorry for them really. Insensitive, but that's how I feel.
I think that ends my bitchfest. There's a movie on and I actually recognized the actor before anyone else. Gasp. It's really pretty good even though I haven't heard of it before. It's called
Memory. I know. The link sucks, but its the best I found, and I like the movie. Can anybody else figure out what else 'Taylor Briggs' has played.