Ohayocon Jitters

Dec 08, 2007 21:19

Alright. So I'm planning on going to Ohayocon 08 with a bunch of friends. This has been in the works since...last Ohayocon. But unfortunately, due to my recent job change, I won't be able to make it until Saturday at worst. I can't even begin to speculate on the best case scenario. Once again, new job. That's only slightly disappointing. It's a fact of life for anyone who has to support themselves, and I accepted this when I went job hunting.

Actually, the only true drag about the whole thing is that one of my friends who has promised two years running to go with us dipped. Again. Grr, Baa-chan. Still. It's her choice, and if she prefers to watch a play that shows two weeks later (Don't know why she can't do BOTH) that's her deal.

No, what's personally bothering me, and it seems so childish to say this, is that I don't have my costume. Again. Last year I would have been Ten-ten...if I had remembered my top, but I left it at a friend's house, and now nobody knows where it's at. Now if 'somebody' could find 'nobody' and tell me where to find the thing at I would gladly go get it. Or...considering the 'friend's' house...maybe not. Could always wash it. Ack tangent.

Anyhow, I would love to pull off a SNJ Iruka, and/or an Anko. I even have some ideas. Ideas which do NOT involve sewing because I am incapable of sewing. I might try again in a year. Until then, anything I throw together needs to be pre-sewn. No needle needed. That's not the real problem though. No, the real issue is: money.:( I am broke. I have a little over $20 to my name, and it has to last me until this Friday when I get more of the green stuff which I will then turn around and hand to....someone to make a dent in my current debts. So no money, and no real hope of attaining money. Because anything that I do scrap together is going to be put toward two new tires for Selena. And hopefully I can pull that $200 bucks out of my ass before I need to drive to the con. There's been a snow storm 2 out of 3 years that I've been going to con. -_- I need those tires.

*sigh* Guess I'll just be another random Lovely Cat Girl. *muses* I believe there was a Cat Girl Protective League last year. That made me want to squee. So if you see a black-haired cat girl with a red shawl, look me up. -_^

And let us all pray that the snow comes the week AFTER con.


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