May 07, 2011 14:42
:( I'm not happy anymore.
This morning, I woke up in a sour mood because my mom and I didn't go to bed on good terms and when I woke up, she was gone to the cabin with her Belorussian friends and hadn't told me. I fell back asleep after reading an email from 'meine Taube' (which caused me to throw my phone, luckily into the dirty clothes pile) and had a dream that my mom cut off my leg and smashed it until it was ground beef. Another one where no matter how hard I tried, no one would talk to me, help me escape the evil butcher who was pulling me into his butcher shop. It was awful.
When I woke up from that, Dad and I went to go get coffees and I had a blueberry detox green tea. We watched Everton win, a goal from Distin and another from Osman!, and after that, I watched a little of Marta playing against the Atlanta Beat.
Now, because of one person, my afternoon has kind of crumbled so far. She manages to do it every day and it's not like I want to talk to her about it so I've gone under a type of, what I like to inaccurately call it, embargo. "#TweetEmbargo" on Twitter. Maybe that will solve the problem.
Real Madrid will play on my television at four so I just have to kill that time. Maybe a walk or finish the newspaper articles and captions. Who knows.
Loki will be in the new movie, Thor. That made me smile a little because for some reason, in Norse mythology, Loki has been my favorite.
I love you, my faithful few.
how fucking dare you,
'meine taube',
daily log,
what is she saying?,
fuck da ____